
Name: Krisztina

Subjects & Levels:

English (KS1 KS2),
Mathematics (KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 GCSE),
Science (KS1 KS2 KS3),
Humanities (KS3 KS4),

University degree:

Bachelors of Arts:Communication Specialist & Primary Education

Specializations: Radio and Social studies/Humanities
Grade Awarded: 2:1, Sept 2003 – June 2010

GCSE and A Levels:Tertiary Education
Institution: Balásházy János Secondary School
Grade Awarded: 4 (B equivalent), Sept 1999 – June 2003
Major modules: English, Mathematics, Science, and Literature

Enhanced DBS Check: Yes

Locations: South London Zones 2 to 4

What I do when I am not tutoring:I have a keen interest in the media, learning about different ways of communication (body language, face expressions, non-verbal communication), and performing arts. Enjoy reading and writing articles, and exercise regularly.

About me:I am an overseas qualified primary Teacher with UK QTS (exempt from the requirements to serve a statutory induction period), and I am trained to teach KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 in the UK covering all Curriculum subjects. I have experience of teaching KS1, KS2 and KS3 in Hungary. I have worked as a Teaching Assistant within an EAL/inclusion department at a challenging boys’ secondary school in East London, and I have also completed a voluntary Teacher role in a primary School in North London (Haringey). I am currently seeking for an opportunity to work in a UK Primary/Secondary School where I can gain valid experience in order to progress my Teacher Career within the UK.

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