Intensive Private tuition

For students that have already started weekly private tuition with WISE tutors, it is common to have two or more sessions per week as they get closer to the examination date. For some students, this form of intensive tuition is not required as they have already received many hours of tuition throughout the year and they already feel confident and prepared for the examination. Many of the private tutors with WISE tutors will be able to offer this form of intensive tuition provided that they have availability in their tutoring calendar.

It is important to bear in mind that some students may find this form of intensive tuition extremely stressful especially if they are preparing for a number of exams, so this is something for the parent and possibly the student to consider before registration.

We strongly recommend students to take up weekly long term tuition over a period of at least one year prior to an examination. However, we recognise in some cases that the parent has only realised the need for a private tutor at a very late stage, sometimes even just a few weeks before the exam.

For students requiring intensive tuition, WISE tutors will need to discuss your child’s current level and target level of attainment and decide on intensive tuition a case by case basis. In addition to this, as each student handle stress differently and each student has a different amount of work  to cover in a short period of time, private tutors will usually use the first assessment session as an opportunity to make a decision on whether or not to proceed with intensive tuition, particularly if there are less than 12 weeks until the exam.

This is because we know that short term and intensive tuition is not as effective as long term tuition and can sometimes even have a negative effect on the child’s confidence as the student can begin to lose confidence when they realise how much work they need to cover in such a short period of time.

If your child has is taking an exam in less than three months, we would recommend that you take up intensive tuition for three to four hours per week. You may wish to split this into two sessions per week. Always bear in mind that some students may find this form of intensive tuition extremely stressful, especially if they are preparing for a number of exams, so this is something for parents and students to consider before registration.

It is important in all cases, particularly for intensive tuition that the private tutor conducts an initial assessment with the student and uses this to decide if the parent’s goals and expectations can be met and agree on any necessary adjustments such as the  number of sessions required, the frequency of the sessions and the duration of each tuition session.

Private tutors with WISE tutors have expressed that they are only keen to work with students where they believe that they can have a real impact on the child’s progress. Our private tutors understand that intensive tuition can affect the child and negative feedback from parents can affect their tutor profile and therefore they only take on clients where they can set realistic goals from the start and help them achieve or exceed their academic targets.